
This study examines the demand for beef, mutton/goat, pork and chicken in Kenya for the period 1961 to 1991. A log linear function was used to estimate direct, cross and income elasticities. The analysis reveals that the demand for beef and mutton/goat is elastic while the demand for pork and chicken is inelastic. The results of further analyses indicate that mutton/goat is a substitute to beef while pork and chicken are complements to it. In the mutton/goat equation, beef is a substitute to mutton/goat while pork and chicken are complements to it. Both the beef and the mutton/goat equations indicated an income elasticity of more than one. High income elasticities for these two types of meat perhaps indicate that if improvements can be made in both production and marketing, more of these meat types would be consumed at every increase in income. In both the pork and chicken equations, beef and mutton/goat are found to be complements of these meat types. Pork and chicken are substitutes to each other. SAMEVATTING: 'N STATISTIESE ANALISE VAN DIE VRAAG NA BEESVLEIS, SKAAP/BOKVLEIS, VARKVLEIS EN HOENDERVLEIS IN KENIA, 1961-1991 Hierdie studie ondersoek die vraag na beesvleis, skaap/bokvleis, varkvleis en hoendervleis in Kenia vir die periode 1961 tot 1991. 'n Log-lineere funksie is gebruik om direkte, kruis- en inkome-elastisiteite te skat. Die analise toon dat die vraag na beesvleis en skaap/bokvleis elasties is terwyl die vraag na vark- en hoendervleis onelasties is. Die resultate van verdere analises toon dat skaap/bokvleis 'n substituut vir beesvleis is terwyl hoender- en varkvleis komplemente daarvan is. In die skaap/bokvleisvergelyking is beesvleis 'n substituut vir skaap/bokvleis terwyl vark- en hoerdervleis komplemente daarvan is. Beide die beesvleis en skaap/bokvleis vergelykings het inkome-elastisiteite groter as een getoon. Hoe inkome-elastisiteite vir hierdie twee vleissoorte dui miskien daarop dat indien beide die produksie en bemarking daarvan verbeter kan word, meer van die twee vleissoorte met elke inkomsteverhoging verbruik sal word. In beide die varken hoerdervleisvergelykings word bevind dat beesvleis en skaap/bokvleis komplemente van die twee vleissoorte is. Vark en hoendervleis is substitute vir mekaar.

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