
q RSNA, 2013 There has been much recent discussion (1,2) about what constitutes appropriate authorship for scientific articles. Indeed, recent exposes in the press and elsewhere about “gift,” “honorary,” and even “ghost” authorship have led to lawsuits, other forms of litigation, and the ruin of the careers of some dedicated health professionals. In many cases, improper assignment of authorship is due to naivety or oversight; but in some cases, it is undertaken knowingly and, at worst, for ultimate financial gain. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) has issued stringent guidelines for appropriate assignment of authorship and other aspects of scientific publications (3). These guidelines also deal with issues concerning redundant publications. The following members of the Society of Chairs of Academic Radiology Departments (SCARD) have personally attested their support for the ICMJE criteria for authorship and are determined to ensure that colleagues in their department/institution/working group adhere to them fully.

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