
Background: We developed a surgical knee rest (SKR) that can be used to decrease the stress placed on the lower half of the body when surgeons work in the standing position. We tested the effectiveness of this device in the context of laparoscopic surgery.Material and methods: Five healthy, right-handed male surgeons participated, and we recorded surface electromyography (sEMG) signals from the two heads of the left and right gastrocnemius (Gc) muscles during laparoscopic resections of colorectal cancer. The outcome variable was the percentage of maximum Gc muscle effort generated, reported as percent maximal isometric voluntary contraction (%MVC), and this variable was compared between surgeries performed with and without use of the SKR. Assessment covered the first 100 min of surgery, subdivided into two 50-min periods.Results: Mean %MVC of the left Gc muscle for the full 100-min test period was significantly decreased when the SKR was used (p = .027, vs. SKR not used). Notably, mean %MVC of both Gc muscles was significantly decreased during the first 50 min of surgery (p = .008 and p = .0046).Conclusion: The SKR is useful for decreasing physical stress incurred by laparoscopic surgeons when working in the standing position.

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