
Due to the antioxidant effects of the Ziziphus jujuba Mill (Z. jujuba), we investigated the liver, heart, and brain-protective effects of this herb against toxicity induced by adriamycin (ADR). In this study, Wistar rats were divided into 1) control, 2) ADR and 3, 4, and 5) treated groups orally administrated three doses of Z. jujuba hydroalcoholic extract for 1month. The liver, heart, and brain were removed for evaluation of the oxidative markers. Blood samples were evaluated to determine the levels of Lactate dehydrogenase, total and direct bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, Aspartate transaminase, and Alanine aminotransferase. Administration of Z. jujuba significantly decreased the biochemical enzymes compared to the ADR. Oxidative condition in treated rats with different doses of Z. jujuba was improved compared to the ADR group. Z. jujuba could decrease the oxidative injury through invigoration of the tissues antioxidant system. The mentioned hepatic and cardiac parameters levels improved during extract administration. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: In the first stage, our findings and other supplementary works have shown that administration of jujube extract has prevented the effects of histotoxicity caused by adriamycin, so it seems that in the next stage, the effects of this herbal plant on patients with tissue toxicity caused by adriamycin should be evaluated and if the results are positive in pharmacological studies, it should be used as a complementary drug in the treatment of these patients.

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