
This is a study of a feedback loop from a stimulated organ to glands that produce the stimulatory hormone in the cockroach Diploptera punctata. In this insect as in many others, juvenile hormone (JH) produced by corpora allata (CA) stimulates vitellogenesis. In our previous studies, transplantations of ovaries at certain stages of development into ovariectomized mated females stimulated JH synthesis within 24 h. An in vitro study by other investigators showed that all stages of ovaries release a stimulatory factor into culture medium that was not retained on a solid-phase extraction column but occurred in the aqueous flow-through. The present study is a comparison of the effect of medium conditioned with ovaries from days 1–4 and 8 of the first reproductive cycle, to the effect of the flow-through of that medium on members of a pair of CA from day 3 females. Results provide evidence for an ovarian factor that stimulates JH synthesis by CA in vitro after removal from the conditioning medium (i.e., stable stimulation). Only medium conditioned with ovaries from days 2 or 3 females significantly stimulated CA more than flow-through. Stimulation was dose dependent, sensitive to trypsin, and survived freezing. These results indicate that CA can be directly and stably stimulated by a stage-specific peptidergic ovarian factor.

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