
Spin valves with a synthetic antiferromagnet were fabricated via magnetron sputtering. It was shown that the fabricated spin valve layers had a perfect microstructure and smooth interfaces, and therefore, an RKKY interaction dominated in the coupling of the ferromagnetic layers separated by a copper spacer. Rhombus-shaped micro-objects were fabricated from a single spin valve film. The thermomagnetic treatment procedure was found to form unidirectional anisotropy in the micro-object such that the values of the exchange bias fields in the rhombus' nonparallel sides were opposite in sign. For the CoFeNi/Ru/CoFeNi synthetic antiferromagnet, we determined the differences between the ferromagnetic layer thicknesses at which the thermomagnetic treatment formed the same exchange bias all over each rhombus' side. We also fabricated a sensor element in which each side of the rhombus was the shoulder of a Wheatstone bridge. After the thermomagnetic treatment procedure, each shoulder worked as an active magnetosensitive element, enabling the device to operate as a full Wheatstone bridge. The sensor output exhibited a step shape, high sensitivity to field changes, and significant magnetic hysteresis. Such characteristics are suitable for switching devices.

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