
Magnetic skyrmions are particle-like topological spin configurations, which can carry binary information and thus are promising building blocks for future spintronic devices. In this work, we investigate the relationship between the skyrmion dynamics and the characteristics of injected current in a skyrmion-based spin torque nano-oscillator, where the excitation source is introduced from a point nano-contact at the center of the nanodisk. It is found that the skyrmion will move away from the center of the nanodisk if it is driven by a spin-polarized current; however, it will return to the initial position in the absence of stimulus. Therefore, we propose a skyrmion-based artificial spiking neuron, which can effectively implement the leaky-integrate-fire operation. We study the feasibility of the skyrmion-based spiking neuron by using micromagnetic simulations. Our results may provide useful guidelines for building future magnetic neural networks with ultra-high density and ultra-low energy consumption.

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