
A methodology based on generalized Sturmian functions is put forward to solve two- and three-body scattering problems. It uses a spectral method which allows for the inclusion of the correct asymptotic behavior when solving the associated driven Schrödinger equation. For the two-body case, we demonstrate the equivalence between the exterior complex scaling (ECS) and the Sturmian approaches and illustrate the latter by using Hulthén Sturmian functions. Contrary to the ECS approach, no artificial cut-off of the potential is required in the Surmian approach. For the three-body scattering problem, the theoretical framework is presented in hyperspherical coordinates and a set of hyperspherical generalized Sturmian functions possessing outgoing asymptotic behavior is introduced. The Sturmian procedure is a direct generalization of the method discussed for the two-body problem; thus, the comparison with the ECS method is similar. For both the two- and three-body cases, Sturmian bases are efficient as they possess the correct outgoing behavior, diagonalize part of the potentials involved and are essentially localized in the region where the unsolved interaction is not negligible. Moreover, with the Sturmian basis, the operator (H − E) is represented by a diagonal matrix whose elements are simply the Sturmian eigenvalues.

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