
1. Binding of l-tri-[(125)I]iodothyronine to the cytosol fraction of normal human female breast adipose tissue was investigated by the charcoal adsorption method. Equilibrium of binding was reached after 120s at 25 degrees C. 2. The l-tri-[(125)I]iodothyronine-binding component is a protein; this was confirmed by experiments in which binding was totally lost after heating the cytosol fraction for 10min at 100 degrees C and in which binding was diminished after treatment with proteolytic enzymes and with thiol-group-blocking reagents. The binding protein was stable at -38 degrees C for several months. 3. It displayed saturability, high affinity (apparent K(d) 3.28nm) and a single class of binding sites. 4. High specificity for l-tri-iodothyronine and l-3,5-di-iodo-3'-isopropylthyronine was observed, whereas other iodothyronines were less effective in displacing l-tri-[(125)I]-iodothyronine from its binding site. 5. The binding of the hormone by the cytosol fraction did not show a pH optimum. 6. When cytosol fractions of adipose tissue from different females were subjected to radioimmunoassay for the determination of thyroxine-binding globulin a value of 0.304+/-0.11mug/mg of cytosol protein (mean+/-s.d., n=4) was obtained; the mean concentration in plasma was 0.309+/-0.07mug/mg of plasma protein (mean+/-s.d., n=3). 7. The K(a) value of 6.3x10(8)m(-1) of l-tri-[(125)I]iodothyronine for binding to plasma, the similar thermalinactivation profiles of binding and the reactivity to thiol-group-blocking reagents were some properties common between the binding components from the cytosol fraction and plasma. 8. These results suggest that the cytosol fraction of human female breast adipose tissue contains thyroxine-binding globulin; the protein that binds l-tri-[(125)I]iodothyronine with high affinity and specificity appears to be similar to thyroxine-binding globulin.

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