
In the field of infrared remote sensing, the problem of IR small target detection is still an important component part. Concerning infrared dim small target (IRDST) detection, firstly the infrared image is processed with DWT method to get the wavelet coefficients image, but the distribution characteristics, such as scales, frequencies, orientations of wavelet coefficients in different sub-bands are various, so wavelet image denoised by a single threshold criterion can not give a satisfying estimation. Based on this motivation, a spatially adaptive multi-model de-noising strategy (SAMMDS) based IRDST detection method is proposed in this paper, which can adjust thresholding strategy according to the distribution of noise in different scales and directions. Spatially adaptive BayesShrink (SABS) thresholding, traditional BayesShrink (BS) thresholding and generalized cross validation (GCV) thresholding are all adopted here to process each sub-band separately. After reconstructing the denoised wavelet image, a simple global thresholding is used to separate the background and target finally. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs better than other typical wavelet methods for small target detection with various complex backgrounds.

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