
A signal-processing software system is described which allows the simulation of systems described by block diagrams or signal-flow graphs. A high-level data-flow language describes the interconnection of the components. All configurations of interconnections are allowed, including those containing feedback. Component systems (blocks) are allowed to be multi-input, multi-output, and to be programmed in any language. Blocks are implemented as separate processes running under a UNIX2 operating system. Input and output signals are transferred between blocks via the UNIXpipe facility. Thedata type of a signal is arbitrary in the context of the compiler; within a component or system, signals and internal variables can be either floating point or fixed point. The compiler enforces strong or weak type checking of signals according to the characteristics of the blocks generating and receiving the signals. The invariance of the program to implementation data type is accomplished by the use of abstract data types. Fixed-point simulations having differing number of bits per signal and per internal variable in a block are supported. Special display software is used to allow any signal in the system to be displayed on any graphics device.

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