
A crucial development in the field of biomimicry is accurately recreating the kinematics of various organisms. In the example of a bat robot in development inspired by the greater horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, this takes the form of accurately recreating fast motions of the pinnae and noseleaf observed during echolocation. In order to accurately recreate these baffle shapes it is important to choose a material that is malleable but will retain its originally molded state. An actuation system was developed to replicate the ear movement seen in the bat when using biosonar. Several actuation designs were tested, including a physical motor connection, shape memory alloys, and soft-robotic pneumatics. In addition to the actuation system, a feedback system was developed in order to accurately control the robot and provide information which could be used to determine the effectiveness of the robot. Additionally, the final challenge to assemble all the components, i.e., the baffle shapes, actuator mechanism, and feedback control mechanism, in a way that recreates the baffle motions in an effective and accurate manner.

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