
In late 2015, a survey called DiPAS (Displaced persons in Austria survey) was carried outin and around Vienna to study the socio-demographic characteristics, values and attitudesof asylum seekers arriving in Austria in 2015. In that year, the number of persons seekingrefuge in Europe was substantially high, with Austria being the fourth largest receivingcountry of asylum seekers in Europe. This data collection is the first of its kind in Austriaand to our knowledge the first in Europe focusing on the recent arrivals of Syrian, Iraqi,and Afghan asylum seekers. First results on human capital and attitudes of DiPASrespondents have been published recently. The current paper presents the methodologicalapproach of collecting these data, experiences from survey preparation, and insights fromthe field phase. Findings address four key challenges faced by surveys of the highly mobileand vulnerable group of asylum seekers, namely (1) representativity, (2) language barriers,(3) ethical considerations, and (4) cultural diversity. We discuss concrete solutions andrecommendations for similar (inter)national, cross-cultural surveys, and provide insightsfor planning longitudinal studies on displaced persons who recently arrived in Europe.

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