
Organizations need well trained employees in order to maintain a competitive advantage. The purpose of this paper is to describe current training practices in Peru and to provide recommendations for improving organizational performance. This paper also aims to set priorities for future research work. Human capital theory and contributions on need assessment, and training planning, implementation and evaluation served as theoretical framework. This is a cross-sectional, exploratory study that used information from surveys conducted in 24 Peru-vian companies. The findings reveal a strong interest in training, particularly with regard to the improvement of competencies, preference for face-to-face training, and the use of reaction evaluation methods. The recommendations include, among others, improving the provisions for internal support, policies, technology, behavioral evaluation, and resources.


  • The success and survival of any organization ted

  • When exploring about responsibilities and Respondents stated the training objecpositions of training professionals, some tives are diverse: 53% consider training inconsistencies between the responsibilities as a mean for career development and and the name of the position were collaborator’s attitudes towards work and found. These findings may be explained the organization; and 33% of respondents because employees usually perform varied mentioned training is related to the impleduties depending on what is needed at a mentation of technology and the retention time, if the name of the position of competent staff in the firm

  • Do not concur with the responsibility, the Regarding the focus of training programs, implications will be confusion and misun- 87% of respondents sustained that training derstandings

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Visión general de las prácticas de capacitación en Perú

RESUMEN Las organizaciones necesitan empleados bien entrenados para mantener una ventaja competitiva. El propósito de este artículo es describir las prácticas de capacitación en organizaciones en Perú, para entregar recomendaciones que mejoren el desempeño organizacional. Este artículo también ayuda a establecer prioridades de investigación futura. La Teoría de Capital Humano y contribuciones de evaluación de necesidades, planeación, implantación y evaluación de la capacitación sirvieron como marco teórico. Es un estudio exploratorio de corte trasversal, usando encuestas en 24 compañías peruanas. Los resultados revelan un interés fuerte en capacitación, particularmente en competencias, preferencia por capacitación cara a cara, y uso de métodos de evaluación de reacción. Las recomendaciones incluyen mejor provisión de apoyo interno, políticas, tecnología, evaluación de conductas y recursos. Capacitación; evaluación de necesidades; administración de recursos humanos

Visão geral das práticas de treinamento no Perú
Typical methods to collect data for the
Mercer and the Peruvian Association of
Other soft competencies
Needs is not a planned process
Coaching activities
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