
There is pre-feasibility study system in Korea for evaluating efficiency about investing infrastructure including road, railway, airport etc. But it takes a long time to carry out pre-feasibility study and there is no specific guideline about new transport technologiesGenerally pre-feasibility studies should provide reliable solutions about whether a certain transport system is feasible or not by cost-benefit analysis and effectiveness test of enhancing regional economy.This study introduces a synthetic system called SMARTIS for pre-feasibility studies on railway project in Korea. The purpose of this study is to provide a reliable result of feasibility studies with ease and quick response to decision makers, especially in the new railway system investment. The overall period of doing feasibility study in Korea takes at least three months, which disturb to make a quick decision on transport investment.Hence, the development of SMARTIS is newly ongoing research to help decision makers to have reliable and quick results. Further, the decision makers will get the information from the system how the transport system factors need to be changed if the railway project is not found to be feasible.

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