
Dinitraminic acid (HN(NO2)2, HDN) was prepared by ion exchange chromatography and acid‐base reaction with basic copper(II) carbonate allowed the in situ preparation of copper(II) dinitramide, which was reacted with twelve nitrogen‐rich ligands, for example, 4‐amino‐1,2,4‐triazole, 1‐methyl‐5H‐tetrazole, di(5H‐tetrazolyl)‐methane/‐ethane/‐propane/‐butane. Nine of the complexes were investigated by low‐temperature X‐ray diffraction. In addition, all compounds were investigated by infrared spectroscopy (IR), differential thermal analysis (DTA), elemental analysis (EA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) for selected compounds. Furthermore, investigations of the materials were carried out regarding their sensitivity toward impact (IS), friction (FS), ball drop impact (BDIS) and electrostatic discharge (ESD). In addition, hot plate and hot needle tests were performed. Complex [Cu(AMT)4(H2O)](DN)2, based on 1‐amino‐5‐methyltetrazole (AMT), is most outstanding for its detonative behavior and thus also capable of initiating PETN in classical initiation experiments. Laser ignition experiments at a wavelength of 915 nm were performed for all substances and solid‐state UV‐Vis spectra were recorded to apprehend the ignition mechanism.

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