
Tea cultivation holds significant economic value, yet the leaves of tea plants are frequently susceptible to various pest and disease infestations. Consequently, there is a critical need for research focused on precisely and efficiently detecting these threats to tea crops. The investigation of a model capable of effectively identifying pests and diseases in tea plants is often hindered by challenges, such as limited datasets of pest and disease samples and the small size of detection targets. To address these issues, this study has chosen TLB, a common pest and disease in tea plants, as the primary research subject. The approach involves the application of transfer learning in conjunction with data augmentation as a fundamental methodology. This technique entails transferring knowledge acquired from a comprehensive source data domain to the model, aiming to mitigate the constraints of limited sample sizes. Additionally, to tackle the challenge of detecting small targets, this study incorporates the decoupling detection head TSCODE and integrates the Triplet Attention mechanism into the E-ELAN structure within the backbone to enhance the model’s focus on the TLB’s small targets and optimize detection accuracy. Furthermore, the model’s loss function is optimized based on the Wasserstein distance measure to mitigate issues related to sensitivity in localizing small targets. Experimental results demonstrate that, in comparison to the conventional YOLOv7 tiny model, the proposed model exhibits superior performance on the TLB small sample dataset, with precision increasing by 6.5% to 92.2%, recall by 4.5% to 86.6%, and average precision by 5.8% to 91.5%. This research offers an effective solution for identifying tea pests and diseases, presenting a novel approach to developing a model for detecting such threats in tea cultivation.

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