
This paper describes the theoretical structure and the estimation results for a DSGE-VAR model for the Romanian economy, an inflation targeting country since 2005. Having as benchmark the New-Keynesian model of Rabanal and Rubio-Ramirez (2005), the main additional feature introduced refers to the extension to a small open economy setting in order to account for this specific aspect of the Romanian economy.Within the inflation targeting monetary policy regime, forecasts of central macro variables, inflation in particular, play an important part. Because inflation reacts to monetary measures with a considerable lag, the central bank's policy has to be forward-looking. Based on univariate measures of forecast performance, it is shown that the VAR with DSGE model prior produces forecasts that improve on those obtained using an unrestricted VAR model and the popular Minnesota prior in case of inflation, real exchange rate and nominal interest rate. Moreover, the DSGE-VAR model is informative about the structure of the economy and can help the “story-telling” in the central banks.

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