
Sm-Nd geochronology may be used to bracket the age of metamorphism in rocks which are difficult to date by other methods. By coupling whole rock Sm-Nd analyses of the principal members of the South Harris Igneous Complex, with Sm-Nd mineral isochrons on two anothositic gabbros, the age of granulite facios metamorphism has been defined. Whole rock analyses of three pairs of closely spaced samples of the anorthosite give consistent ages averaging 2.18±0.06 Gyr, but in general the data from the anorthosite do not define an isochron as a result of variable contamination of the evolving magma chamber. Whole rock data on the tonalite indicate that it is younger than 2.06 Gyr; its mean TCHUR age is 1.86±0.05 Gyr. Garnet-pyroxene-amphibole-plagioclase mineral isochrons on two anorthosite samples give identical 1.87±0.04 Gyr ages which date cooling after the high pressure granulite facies metamorphism. Together with the tonalite whole rock data this defines the age of that metamorphism and confirms Dearnley's original assignment of an early Laxfordian age.

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