
Fibroids are the abnormal growths that develop in a woman's uterus. In most of the cases these tumors are quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy menstrual bleeding. In other cases, it may be asymptomatic .The growths are typically benign or malignant. The cause of broids is unknown. This is the case report of a 42 years female who presented with increased menstrual bleeding with pelvic pain. On Ultrasonography she was detected to have broids in uterus. The case was treated for 03 months with a combination of different Ayurvedic drugs based on the clinical features Raktastanbhana, Vata anulomana, kaphamedohara ,Lekhana mode of management was given, And it is successfully treated with oral Ayurvedic drugs and Loacal ayurvedic panchakarma therapies like yoga vasthi and Uttara vasthi without surgical intervention.

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