
The diffusion-limited binding kinetics of antigen (or antibody) in solution to antibody (or antigen) immobilized on a biosensor surface is analyzed within a fractal framework. The data is adequately described by a single- or a dual-fractal analysis. Initially, the data was modelled by a single-fractal analysis. If an inadequate fit was obtained then a dual-fractal analysis was utilized. The regression analysis provided by Sigmaplot, 1993 (Scientific Graphing Software: User’s Manual. Jandel Scientific, San Rafael, CA) was utilized to determine if a single-fractal analysis is sufficient, or a dual-fractal analysis is required. In general, it is of interest to note that the binding rate coefficient and the fractal dimension exhibit changes in the same direction (except for a single example) for the antigen–antibody systems analyzed. Binding rate coefficient expressions as a function of the fractal dimension developed for the antigen–antibody binding systems indicate a high sensitivity of the binding rate coefficient on the fractal dimension when both a single -as well as a dual-fractal analysis is used. For example, for a single-fractal analysis and for the binding of human endothelin-1 (ET-1) antibody in solution to ET-1 15–21·BSA (bovine serum albumin) immobilised on a surface plasmon resonance surface, the order of dependence of the binding rate coefficient, k on the fractal dimension, D f is 7.0945. Similarly, for a dual-fractal analysis and for the binding of parasite L. donovani diluted pooled sera in solution to fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled anti-human immunoglobulin IgG immobilized on an optical fibre, the order of dependence of k 1 and k 2 on D f1 and D f2 were 6.8018 and −4.393, respectively. Binding rate coefficient expressions are also developed as a function of the analyte (antigen or antibody) concentration in solution. The binding rate coefficient expressions developed as a function of the fractal dimension(s) are of particular value since they provide a means to better control biosensor performance by linking it to the heterogeneity on the surface, and emphasize in a quantitative sense the importance of the nature of the surface in biosensor performance.

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