
We recently described a CHO DSBR mutant belonging to the XRCC7 complementation group (XR-C2) that has the interesting phenotype of being radiosensitive, but having only a modest defect in VDJ recombination. This cell line expresses only slightly reduced levels of DNA-PKcs but has undetectable DNA-PK activity. Limited sequence analyses of DNA-PKcs transcripts from XR-C2 revealed a point mutation that results in an amino acid substitution of glutamic acid for glycine six residues from the C-terminus. To determine whether this single substitution was responsible for the phenotype in XR-C2 cells, we introduced the mutation into a DNA-PKcs expression vector. Whereas transfection of this expression vector significantly restores the VDJ recombination deficits in DNA-PKcs-deficient cells, radioresistance is not restored. Thus, expression of this mutant form of DNA-PKcs in DNA-PKcs- deficient cells substantially recapitulates the phenotype observed in XR-C2, and we conclude that this single amino acid substitution is responsible for the non-homologous end joining deficits observed in XR-C2.

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