
The LHC experiments produce many tens of petabytes of data each year, which must be stored, processed and analyzed. The CPU and storage resources required for these activities are planned for and requested on yearly basis. To make a better resource planning, a more fine-grained time prediction for the resource utilization is necessary, taking into account the LHC running conditions and schedule, the experiment-specific data management policies, scientific conferences demands and other criteria. To that end, we developed a flexible and highly configurable simulation tool, which performs a Discrete Event Simulation of the ALICE data flow processes. The tool consists of a Web GUI, through which the necessary parameters are entered and the results of the simulations are graphically visualized. In this paper, we describe the design of the simulation tool and present the preliminary results.


  • To predict the resource requirements profile of the ALICE Experiment for a particular Run period we developed a flexible and highly configurable simulation tool, which uses Discrete-Event Simulation (DES) to model the ALICE data flow

  • At the time of writing, the tool allows to simulate the data flow process marked with a green oval in Fig.1 and estimate the amount of storage resources required for the archival of the ALICE Compressed Time Frame (CTF) data and derivatives

  • The simulation software presented in this paper is a flexible and highly configurable tool, which presently allows estimating and visualizing the data volume and resources needed to store each type of data of the ALICE experiment during Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Run 3 and beyond

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During the Run periods, the LHC experiments, such as ALICE [1], produce petabytes of RAW and derived data requiring a significant amount of disk and tape space as well as CPU resources for its efficient storage, processing and analysis. During the 7 years of Run 1 and Run 2, the resource requirements were calculated and requested for a full year, without taking into account the variable load within a year.

ALICE data flow during LHC Run 3
Software tool for the simulation of ALICE data flow
LHC general conditions
LHC running schedule
Resource types and their capacities
Data management policies
Influence of major conferences on resources requirements
First results
Conclusion and future work
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