
Abstract. Suitable fuel reduction treatments are needed in the Colville National Forest, Washington, to reduce the risk of severe wildfire. This study aimed to identify high-risk erosion hillslopes following wildfire to aid in forest fuel reduction planning and to evaluate the effects of fuel treatments on the watershed hydrological response. The specific objectives were (1) to assess the soil burn severity associated with wildfires and use that information to identify critical hillslopes for forest fuel treatments, and (2) to evaluate the potential changes in water yield and peak flows from pre-treatment (undisturbed forest) to post-treatment (thinning and prescribed burn) conditions, in the East Deer Creek Watershed (EDCW), a subwatershed of the Colville National Forest. Assessments were made using a modeling approach for hypothetical wildfire and fuel treatment scenarios. FlamMap, a fire behavior model, was used to predict the spatial distribution of wildfire intensity for a hypothetical event under current vegetation conditions. WEPP simulations were subsequently completed to obtain sediment and water yields based on fire intensity and topography. WEPP erosion estimations following a simulated wildfire showed hillslope sediment yield varying from 0 to 49.4 Mg ha-1 year-1 from the 777 hillslopes, which were ranked in descending order of sediment yield to identify critical hillslopes for fuel treatments. The WEPP model calibrated for a nearby gauged watershed was then applied to the EDCW for pre-treatment and post-treatment conditions. At the watershed scale, the increase in water yield from pre-treatment to post-treatment conditions ranged from 0.7% to 5.6% on hillslopes delivering 10% to 50% of the predicted post-fire sediment. Simulated water balance components at the treated hillslopes showed substantial changes. Surface runoff, subsurface lateral flow, and deep percolation increased 150% (5 mm), 50% (9 mm), and 40% (41 mm), respectively, whereas evapotranspiration (ET) decreased 23% (124 mm). The relative differences between pre- and post-harvest peak flows showed no clear trends as treatment area increased. The results suggest that thinning and prescribed burns to treated hillslopes in the EDCW may lead to an increase in water yield and significant alterations in hydrological processes. Keywords: Fuel treatments, Modeling, Peak flows, Sediment, Water yield, Wildfire.

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