
A detailed derivation of a quantity, defined as the acoustic power per unit solid angle far from the illuminated volume divided by the intensity of the incident light beam and termed as differential photoacoustic (PA) cross section, is presented. The expression for the differential PA cross section per unit absorbing volume retains two terms, namely, the coherent and the incoherent parts. The second part based on a correlation model can be employed to analyze the PA signal power spectrum for tissue characterization. The performances of the fluid sphere, Gaussian, and exponential correlation models in assessing the mean size and the variance in the optical absorption coefficients of absorbers were investigated by performing in silico experiments. It was possible to evaluate diameters of solid spherical absorbers with radii ≥ 20 μm with an accuracy of 10% for an analysis bandwidth of 5 to 50 MHz using the first two correlation models. The accuracy of estimation was about 22% for fluid spheres mimicking erythrocytes for the third correlation model for an analysis bandwidth of 5 to 100 MHz. The extracted values of average variance in the optical absorption coefficients demonstrated good correlation with the nominal values. This study suggests that the method presented here may be developed as a potential tissue characterization tool.

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