
Battery storages are an essential element of the emerging smart grid. Compared to other distributed intelligent energy resources, batteries have the advantage of being able to rapidly react to events such as renewable generation fluctuations or grid disturbances. There is a lack of research on ways to profitably exploit this ability. Any solution needs to consider rapid electrical phenomena as well as the much slower dynamics of relevant electricity markets. Reinforcement learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that has shown promise in optimizing complex problems involving uncertainty. This article applies reinforcement learning to the problem of trading batteries. The problem involves two timescales, both of which are important for profitability. Firstly, trading the battery capacity must occur on the timescale of the chosen electricity markets. Secondly, the real-time operation of the battery must ensure that no financial penalties are incurred from failing to meet the technical specification. The trading-related decisions must be done under uncertainties, such as unknown future market prices and unpredictable power grid disturbances. In this article, a simulation model of a battery system is proposed as the environment to train a reinforcement learning agent to make such decisions. The system is demonstrated with an application of the battery to Finnish primary frequency reserve markets.


  • Battery storages are an essential element of the emerging smart grid

  • A research gap was identified for reinforcement learning (RL)-based energy management solutions that take into account market participation and cope with real-time requirements for the energy resources that participate in the markets

  • Was selected as an application in which revenues depend on battery capacity that is bid on hourly markets, as well as penalties that occur on the timeframe of seconds if the battery is unavailable due to its state of charge (SoC) being out of bounds (OoB)

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Battery storages are an essential element of the emerging smart grid. Batteries are crucial for coping with increased photovoltaic [1] and wind penetration [2]. Applications for complex decision-making involving battery systems and energy markets Such works frequently ignore short-term electrical phenomena and employ RL frameworks with the simplifying assumption that renewable generation, power consumption and battery charging and discharging power remain constant throughout each market interval. The environment is a system for interactive training of an RL agent: when the agent takes actions such as placing bids on a market, the environment gives feedback about the beneficial as well as the undesirable outcomes resulting from the action If these simplifying assumptions could be eliminated, RL-powered battery systems could be a solution for managing short-term phenomena such as fluctuating renewable generation and power consumption, as well as sudden grid disturbances.

Batteries in Primary Frequency Reserves
Reinforcement Learning Applications for Batteries
Battery Trading System
Bidding Agent
12. Compensation
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