
Impression techniques for implant restorations can be implant level or abutment level impressions with open tray or closed tray techniques. Conventional implant-abutment level impression techniques are predictable for maximizing esthetic outcomes. Restoration of the implant traditionally requires the use of the metal or plastic impression copings, analogs, and laboratory components. Simplifying the dental implant restoration by reducing armamentarium through incorporating conventional techniques used daily for crowns and bridges will allow more general dentists to restore implants in their practices. The demonstrated technique is useful when modifications to implant abutments are required to correct the angulation of malpositioned implants. This technique utilizes conventional crown and bridge impression techniques. As an added benefit, it reduces costs by utilizing techniques used daily for crowns and bridges. The aim of this report is to describe a simplified conventional impression technique for custom abutments and modified prefabricated solid abutments for definitive restorations.


  • Dental implants and implant restorations are preferable alternatives to conventional dentures and bridgeworks

  • A prefabricated titanium abutment is modified or a titanium custom abutment is poured after the connection of the implant analogue in order to produce the working cast

  • Implant replica replica connected connected into into impression impression coping coping incorporated incorporated in PVS open open tray tray impression impression technique due to malposition implant placement

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Dental implants and implant restorations are preferable alternatives to conventional dentures and bridgeworks. As a consequence of bone loss, 1 mm of soft tissue recession can generally be expected during the This contaminates the implant platform andthe initiates inflammatory consequent bone first year. Most of this loss occurs within first three months reactions followingand abutment connection resorption. Restoration should be fabricated on the definitive abutment to allow peri-implant soft tissue stability. Final modifications of the finish line on the definitive abutment and abutment level impression should abutments and modified prefabricated solid abutments be made after peri-implant soft tissue stability is achievedfor [7].definitive restorations. A prefabricated titanium abutment is modified or a titanium custom abutment is poured after the connection of the implant analogue in order to produce the working cast.

Titanium with anatomic anatomic
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