
We study worldsheet theory of confining strings in two-dimensional massive adjoint QCD. Similarly to confining strings in higher dimensions this theory exhibits a non-trivial S-matrix surviving even in the strict planar limit. In the process of two-particle scattering a zigzag is formed on the worldsheet. It leads to an interesting non-locality and exhibits some properties of a quantum black hole. Ordinarily, identical quantum particles do not carry identity. On the worldsheet they acquire off-shell identity due to strings attached. Identity implies complementarity. We discuss similarities and differences of the worldsheet scattering with the Toverline{T} deformation. We also propose a promising candidate for a supersymmetric model with integrable confining strings.


  • In three and four dimensions, D = 3, 4, a wealth of information about the worldsheet scattering can be extracted from lattice studies of confining flux tubes ([18,19,20,21,22,23,24], see [25, 26] for reviews)

  • As far as confining strings are concerned we feel that the study of the worldsheet dynamics in QCD2 is a promising approach to shed light on their puzzles

  • Compared to confining strings in higher dimensions the theory appears to be less restricted and more amenable to the analytic study. This is due to the absence of the non-linearly realized Poincare symmetry and of the corresponding Goldstone bosons — transverse modes of a string

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String worldsheet as a θ-vacuum in QCD2

There one considers a compactification on a cylinder and measures a two-point correlator of Polyakov loops, OP = TrP ei P dσA , where the path P winds once around the spatial circle, and the trace is taken in the fundamental representation This operator creates a wound string state and by measuring the exponential falloff of the two-point function OP† (τ )OP (0) one determines its energy, see figure 1. These states describe a single massive particle on the worldsheet — the “free quark”. The flux lines stretch into opposite directions and terminate at the boundary charges, figure 2 These states correspond to operators (2.1) with a single fermion insertion

Distinguishable particles
Identical particles
Complementarity from identity
Comparison to T T
A Conventions
B Dull calculations with color indices
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