
Plant breeding for increased crop water use efficiency or drought stress resistance requires methods to quickly assess the transpiration rate (E) and stomatal conductance (gs) of a large number of individual plants. Several methods to measure E and gs exist, each of which has its own advantages and shortcomings. To add to this toolbox, we developed a method that uses whole-plant thermal imaging in a controlled environment, where aerial humidity is changed rapidly to induce changes in E that are reflected in changes in leaf temperature. This approach is based on a simplified energy balance equation, without the need for a reference material or complicated calculations. To test this concept, we built a double-sided, perforated, open-top plexiglass chamber that was supplied with air at a high flow rate (35 L min−1) and whose relative humidity (RH) could be switched rapidly. Measurements included air and leaf temperature as well as RH. Using several well-watered and drought stressed genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana that were exposed to multiple cycles in RH (30–50 % and back), we showed that leaf temperature as measured in our system correlated well with E and gs measured in a commercial gas exchange system. Our results demonstrate that, at least within a given species, the differences in leaf temperature under several RH can be used as a proxy for E and gs. Given that this method is fairly quick, noninvasive and remote, we envision that it could be upscaled for work within rapid plant phenotyping systems.

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