
Previous article Next article A Simple Proof of the Existence of a Solution of Itô’s Equation with Monotone CoefficientsN. V. KrylovN. V. Krylovhttps://doi.org/10.1137/1135082PDFBibTexSections ToolsAdd to favoritesExport CitationTrack CitationsEmail SectionsAbout[1] N. V. Krylov and , B. L. Rozovskii, Stochastic evolution equationsCurrent problems in mathematics, Vol. 14 (Russian), Akad. Nauk SSSR, Vsesoyuz. Inst. Nauchn. i Tekhn. Informatsii, Moscow, 1979, 71–147, 256 81m:60116 Google Scholar[2] I. Gyongy and , N. V. Krylov, On stochastic equations with respect to semimartingales. I, Stochastics, 4 (1980/81), 1–21 82j:60104 CrossrefGoogle Scholar[3] N. V. Krylov, Extremal properties of solutions of stochastic equations, Theory Probab. Appl., 29 (1984), 205–217 10.1137/1129033 0557.60042 LinkGoogle Scholar[4] L. A. Alyushina, Euler polygonal lines for Itô equations with monotone coefficients, Theory Probab. 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