
ABSTRACTMeasuring winter solid and liquid precipitation with high temporal resolution in remote or higher elevation regions is a challenging task because of undercatch and power supply issues. However, the number of micro-meteorological stations and ultrasonic height sensors in mountain regions is steadily increasing. To gain more benefit from such stations, a new simple approach for EStimating SOlid and LIquid Precipitation (ESOLIP) is presented. The method consists of three main steps: (1) definition of precipitation events using micro-meteorological data, (2) quantification of solid and liquid precipitation using wet-bulb temperature and filtered snow height and (3) calculation of fresh snow density. ESOLIP performance was validated using data from a heated rain gauge, snow pillow and daily manual observations both for single precipitation events and over three winter seasons. Results proved ESOLIP as an effective approach for precipitation quantification, where snow height observations and basic meteorological measurements (air temperature, solar radiation, wind speed, relative humidity), but no reliable rain gauges are available.

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