
A simple method is presented to calculate radiation streaming through cylindrical ducts in a concrete shield. It includes neutron and gamma-ray calculations and can be applied to the problems of practical slant incidence. The method is essentially one of summing the axial dose rates from the different neutron and gamma components which are functions of energy and angle of incident radiation, duct diameter, bend angle, etc. Axial dose rates are calculated by the MCNP Monte Carlo code for straight and bent ducts having diameters of 5,10,20,30 and 40 cm. Radiation sources are plane mono-directional fission neutrons, intermediate neutrons, thermal neutrons and 1.25-MeV gamma rays. Incident angles are 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 deg for straight ducts. For bent ducts, an isotropic plane source is placed inside the duct mouth to reduce computation time. Bend angles are 30,45,60 and 90 deg. Reliability of the Monte Carlo calculations are assessed by comparison with a 60Co experiment and calculations by the one-dimensional discrete ordinates code.

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