
WHILE investigating the formation of chlamydospores by different species of the fungus Candida, it was observed that human serum as a medium gave good results. Cultures of Candida albicans 10, Candida tropicales 10, Candida krussei 10, and Candida stellatoidea 10, Candida guillarmondi 1, and Candida pseudotropicales 1, were examined by the following technique: 24-hr. growth in Sabouraud's dextrose agar medium was emulsified with 1 c.c. of sterile normal saline; then 1 c.c. of this emulsion was added to a test-tube containing 4 drops of normal human serum, and the tube was incubated at 37° C. in a water-bath. After a lapse of 24, 48 and 72 hr., cover-slip preparations were examined under the microscope. In each instance, where cultural and biochemical tests for a strain conformed to those for Candida albicans, chlamydospores were produced after a lapse of 24 hr. Chlamydospores, however, did not develop with other types. Thus the above findings show that this method is very simple, less expensive and less time-consuming than routine methods.

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