
The objective of this study was to establish a hand-saving method to measure phenylmercapturic acid (PMA) and to examine urinary PMA as a marker of occupational exposure to benzene at levels less than 1 ppm. A simple HPLC method was developed to analyse PMA by monitoring absorption at 195 nm of the ef? uent from an ODS-3 column with acetonitrile–methanol–perchloric acid–water as a mobile phase. The detection limit of the method was 0.2 μg l−1 with sufficient reproducibility. The method was applied to end-of-shift urine samples from 70 gasoline station attendants exposed to up to 107 ppb benzene, and 20 non-exposed controls of both sexes. Time-weighted average (TWA) exposure to benzene was measured by diffusive sampling. A regression analysis was applied to examine the quantitative relationship between the intensity of exposure to benzene and PMA in the end-of-shift urine samples. Multiple regression analysis showed no effects of age, sex, smoking and co-exposure to toluene and xylenes on urinary PMA. There was a linear relationship between TWA benzene exposure and urinary PMA (r = 0.60–0.67, P < 0.01). Background PMA in urine of the non-exposed controls was low and scattering of PMA around the regression line was narrow so that those with 20 ppb benzene exposure can be separated from the non-exposed by urinalysis for PMA. Thus, urinary PMA is sensitive enough for biological exposure monitoring of those exposed to less than 1 ppm benzene.

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