
This paper has investigated the mathematical approaches used in the design of robots in order to identify the best method to design robotic hands. For this purpose and following the main origin of the subject, the results obtained from the biomechanics of the legs of different families of insects have been collected. Geometric measurements of various pairs of legs designed for walking, running, swimming, digging and other related tasks have been presented from an entomological point of view and their relationship to the Fibonacci sequence. With the application of the optimization methods, the results obtained from observing the relationships between the design of organs (legs) of different families of insects with multi-joint structures and different mechanical abilities of the legs have been presented. These studies could be a natural inspiration for the development of multifunctional robotic arm technology. In the following, studies on the mechanical design of 4 configurations of robotic compliant fingers based on a compliant mechanism have been examined and analyzed to reduce costs and control complexity. Geometric parameters of compliant finger design as well as model prediction are performed by the Fibonacci sequence, which in addition to providing natural behavior, will be faster and easier than optimization methods. The design provided from the cited sources will be a suitable response to meet the needs of commercial prostheses and robotic arms.

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