
Cow urine is a cure for all diseases, and the cow is a travelling pharmacy.e cow is most advantageous animal in terms of agreement mmunity and anti - aging. They recommended 10-25 millilitre of and known as mother of ayurveda.In general, urine possesses antibacterial properties. It functions as a crucial element.Cow have long been revered as divine creatures, both in religious and cultural context. In eastern culture they are also regards as mother's because they provide for entire families through a healthy diet through the provision of milk and related good like mother's milk. The vedas branch on medicine is called Ayurveda. Brahma vakya janardanam signifies that the vedao Vegas to be spoken from brahmas mouth. Everyone welfare is the goal. Consequently, it is known as aptopadesh, or support from close friends and family.cirrhosis of the liver is treated with daily dosage of 1-2 onces of cow urine. Additionally intended for are urine alone or mixed with honey and salt issue with the liver and others malignant jaundice is treated internally with antimony sulphide and cow urine. Goumutra with haritaki (termina) liachebula is effective for the treatment of kaphajshoth and pandu.

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