
We discuss a simple model of high-energy emission for gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) based on synchrotron radiation of particles impulsively accelerated. The emission model assumes a source of magnetohydrodynamical outflow and efficient and fast particle acceleration (most likely mediated by a relativistic shock) in optically thin environments. The properties of the synchrotron shock emission can be derived under general conditions valid for both galactic or cosmological interpretations of GRB sources. We show that the synchrotron shock model (SSM) predicts a specific shape of the GRB spectral continuum (broad maximum of the νFν spectrum, low-energy continuum with characteristic ‘curvature’, high-energy power-law emission) in agreement with all available broad-band GRB spectra. The ‘peak’ photon energy Ep of the GRB νFν spectrum is interpreted as the relativistic synchrotron energy of impulsively accelerated particles. From the GRB properties, we obtain a crucial constraint relating the average Lorentz factor of pre-accelerated particles γ* and the strength of the local magnetic field Bps at the GRB site (modulo possible Doppler, cosmological and upscattering factors) 1012≲γ*2Bps≲1014 (c.g.s. units). The SSM predicts specific correlations among spectral hardness, peak intensity, and duration of GRB pulses.

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