
Eco/bioresorbable electronics represent an emerging class of technology defined by an ability to dissolve or otherwise harmlessly disappear in environmental or biological surroundings after a period of stable operation. The resulting devices provide unique capabilities as temporary biomedical implants, environmental sensors, and related systems. Recent publications report schemes to overcome challenges in fabrication that follow from the low thermostability and/or high chemical reactivity of the eco/bioresorbable constituent materials. Here, this work reports the use of high-speed sewing machines, as the basis for a high-throughput manufacturing technique that addresses many requirements for these applications, without the need for high temperatures or reactive solvents. Results demonstrate that a range of eco/bioresorbable metal wires and polymer threads can be embroidered into complex, user-defined conductive patterns on eco/bioresorbable substrates. Functional electronic components, such as stretchable interconnects and antennas are possible, along with fully integrated systems. Examples of the latter include wirelessly powered light-emitting diodes, radiofrequency identification tags, and temporary cardiac pacemakers. These advances add to a growing range of options in high-throughput, automated fabrication of eco/bioresorbable electronics.

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