
In Shanghai’s Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, shiny new R&D centers built by the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies tower near each other, even side by side in some cases. Large drug companies have downsized their Western R&D operations in recent years, but the opposite is happening in China, perhaps the world’s most promising drug market. Novartis, which already employs more than 400 scientists in Shanghai, is completing the construction of new facilities to accommodate more researchers. Merck & Co., with 200 researchers at work in Beijing, plans to increase its R&D headcount there to 600 in coming years and invest $1.5 billion in research facilities in the country. Among such companies, GlaxoSmithKline stands out as perhaps the most confident in trusting China-based researchers to conduct world-class, cutting-edge research. Since announcing in 2007 that it would set up an R&D base in Shanghai, GSK has built an organization of 400 scientists in the ...

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