
在论述负载均衡技术相关工作的基础上,基于IP报文头多域分类方法,提出自适应负载均衡算法MSF(minimum sessions first),通过动态调整TCP流数目最少的流束,能够在各处理节点间保持动态负载均衡的同时维持会话的完整性.模拟结果表明,MSF算法具有设计简洁、负载均匀度好、重映射破坏度小、会话完整性破坏度小等优点,对不同负载具有良好的综合性能.该算法已经成功地应用在国防科学技术大学计算机学院研制的高速网络安全设备中,在保持较好的负载均衡效果的前提下保证了会话的完整性,提高了网络安全设备的性能.;Based on the related work on load balancing, a load balancing algorithm named adaptive load balancing algorithm based on Minimum Sessions First is proposed. Simulation results show that the scheme achieves significant improvement in session's integrality disruption and has a fairly good load balance both in packets level and bits level. It is a sample algorithm and also can be easily implemented in hardware. The algorithm had been implemented in the high speed network security device designed by National University of Defense Technology.

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