
The North Inlet Marsh-Estuarine System Model (NIMES) is a 19-compartment real-time deterministic ecosystem simulation model of intrasystem carbon flow and exchange between an estuary and adjacent coastal water. A complete sensitivity analysis of this model with regard to POM, DOM and nekton annual exchange and annual system net productivity was completed and the functional relationship between these system behaviors and the perturbed parameters were determined by regression techniques. Simulated POM annual exchange between the estuary and the sea was largely controlled by offshore POM concentration, water column respiration and the gross productivity of the marsh and water column flora. Simulated DOM annual estuarine-oceanic exchange was most sensitive to perturbations in the gross productivity and biomass changes in marsh flora and water column microbial DOM uptake. Simulated nekton exchange reflected a sensitivity to migratory behavior and subtidal benthic biomass changes. System annual net productivity as simulated by the model showed a high sensitivity to all model processes which affected component primary production and respiration. From this sensitivity analysis, a scheme is developed to evaluate research needs for further model development for the North Inlet ecosystem.

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