
A specially designed larval rearing unit with automatic moth collection device and an oviposition cage that leads to automatic egg collection have been developed, illustrated and described for mass-production of the rice moth, Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae). These resulted in solving some of the major problems associated with Corcyra production such as moth collection, scale contamination, health hazard, cross infestation, undesirable parasitization, etc. and savings of over 70% on labour. A UV chamber for irradiation of the eggs and a method for cleaning the eggs have also been described. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of various food grains revealed that coarsely crushed bajra (pearl millet) was the most economical and effective diet over groundnut, sorghum, rice and wheat. Studies were also carried out to assess various biological parameters such as proper ratio of eggs to diet for optimum development and moth emergence; influence of diet when offered in a single dose and split doses on larval development; impact of adult feeding; impact of number of moths per cage on egg-laying; and overall reproductive biology of C. cephalonica from egg to adult emergence. The results revealed that over-crowding the larvae or moths in rearing containers had negative impact on production and that feeding the moths had no advantage. Based on various biological and economic parameters, a package of practices for a daily production of 25 to 100 CC eggs of Corcyra is provided along with the non-recurring and recurring resources required. A floor plan for an insectary for mass-production of Corcyra is also indicated.

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