
Binary code similarity comparison is a methodology for identifying similar or identical code fragments in binary programs. It is indispensable in fields of software engineering and security, which has many important applications (e.g., plagiarism detection, bug detection). With the widespread of smart and IoT (Internet of Things) devices, an increasing number of programs are ported to multiple architectures (e.g. ARM, MIPS). It becomes necessary to detect similar binary code across architectures as well. The main challenge of this topic lies in the semantics-equivalent code transformation resulting from different compilation settings, code obfuscation, and varied instruction set architectures. Another challenge is the trade-off between comparison accuracy and coverage. Unfortunately, existing methods still heavily rely on semantics-less code features which are susceptible to the code transformation. Additionally, they perform the comparison merely either in a static or in a dynamic manner, which cannot achieve high accuracy and coverage simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a semantics-based hybrid method to compare binary function similarity. We execute the reference function with test cases, then emulate the execution of every target function with the runtime information migrated from the reference function. Semantic signatures are extracted during the execution as well as the emulation. Lastly, similarity scores are calculated from the signatures to measure the likeness of functions. We have implemented the method in a prototype system designated as BinMatch and evaluate it with nine real-word projects compiled with different compilation settings, on variant architectures, and with commonly-used obfuscation methods, totally performing over 100 million pairs of function comparison.

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