
Gradually typed programming languages provide a way forward in the debate between static and dynamic typing. In a gradual language, statically typed and dynamically typed programs can intermingle, and dynamically typed scripts can be gradually migrated to a statically typed style. In a sound gradually typed language, static type information is just as reliable as in a static language, establishing correctness of type-based refactoring and optimization. To ensure this in the presence of dynamic typing, runtime type casts are inserted automatically at the boundary between static and dynamic code. However the design of these languages is somewhat ad hoc, with little guidance on how to ensure that static reasoning principles are valid. In my dissertation, I present a semantic framework for design and metatheoretic analysis of gradually typed languages based on the theory of embedding-projection pairs. I show that this semantics enables proofs of the fundamental soundness theorems of gradual typing, and that it is robust, applying it to different evaluation orders and programming features.

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