
The cycloserine, cefoxitin, fructose agar medium (CCF agar) devised by George et al' and the modification of it where egg yolk is replaced by horse blood (Oxoid CCF agar), have been widely and successfully used for the isolation of Clostridium diffiwile from faecal specimens.'-4 For epidemiological and environmental work where only small numbers of organisms may be present, it is likely that a more sensitive method of culture is required. Hafiz et al used a broth containing p-cresol in studying vaginal carriage of C diffcile5 whilst Wilson et a16 have reported that the incorporation of sodium taurocholate in CCF agar (in place of egg yolk) enhances the recovery of spore forms of C difficile from solid media. We describe the use of cycloserine cefoxitin fructose broth containing 0 1% sodium taurocholate (CCFT broth) for the isolation of C diffjile from vaginal and faecal specimens. women attending the Department of Genital Medicine (DGM). Groups IVa and IVb were mothers attending the matemity unit. Predelivery high vaginal swabs were taken by the midwife at onset of labour. Post delivery vaginal swabs were taken just prior to discharge. Group V were the babies delivered to mothers in group IV.

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