
s 13.818 (1953). Davila Garibi, J. I. *Algunas afinidades entre las lenguas coca y cahita, El M6xico Antiguo (M6xico) 6.1/3.47-60 (1942). *Es el Coca un idioma Taracahita?, Homenaje al Dr Alfonso Caso, 143-151, Mexico, Imp. Nuevo Mundo, 1951. Hale, Kenneth. Internal Diversity in UtoAztecan I, II, IJAL 24.101-107 (1958) and 25.114-121 (1959). (I: Glottochronology, tentative reconstructions, II: data lists.) Hasler, J. A. *La posici6n dialectol6gica del Pipil como parte del Nahua del Este, Am6rica Indigena (M6xico) 18.333-339 (1958). Klein, Sheldon. Comparative Mono-Kawaiisu, IJAL 25.233-236 (1959). (Correspondences, reconstructions.) Lamb, Sidney M. Linguistic Prehistory of the Great Basin, IJAL 24.95-100 (1958). (Summary statement of relationships, brief references to intelligibility and glottochronology.) Mason, J. Alden. Some Initial Phones and Combinations in Utaztecan Stems, IJAL 18.9-11 (1952). (Correspondences, very few examples cited.) Shimkin, D. B. The Uto-Aztecan system of kinship terminology, AA 43.223-245 (1941). (Reconstructions, no sound-shifts as such.) Swadesh, Morris. Algunas fechas glotocrono16gicas importantes para la prehistoria Nahua, Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropol6gicos e Hist6ricos (M6xico) 14.1.173-191 (1954-1955). (Comparative vocabulary, glottochronology.) Voegelin, C. F. Phonemicising for Dialect Study, with Reference to Hopi, Lg 32.116135 (1956). (Phonological typology, very few examples.) & F. M., & Hale, Kenneth L. Typological and Comparative Grammar of UtoAztecan: I (Phonology), IUPAL 17 (1962). 70 VOL. XXX This content downloaded from on Tue, 11 Oct 2016 04:22:44 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms BIBLIOGRAPHY OF COMPARATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN LINGUISTICS (Typology of phonemic systems, glottochronology, correspondences, reconstructions, sound-shifts.) Weitlander, R. J. Un idioma desconocido del Norte de Mexico, PICA 28.205-227 (1947). (Naolan (obsolescent), phonological and lexical resemblances.) Whorf, B. L. *The Milpa Alta dialect of Aztec (with notes on the classical and the Tepoztlan dialects), Linguistic Structures of Native America, ed. Hoijer, Viking fund publications in anthropology, No. 6, pp. 367-397, New York, 1946. 4.3.2. Loanwords into Uto-Aztecan: Casagrande, Joseph Bartholomew. *Comanche Linguistic Acculturation. A study in ethnolinguistics, Columbia University Dissertation, 1951. (Microfilm Abstracts 811-812 (1951).) Comanche Linguistic Acculturation, I, II, III, IJAL 20.140-151, 217-237 (1954), 21.8-25 (1955). (I: history of culture contacts; II: brief remarks on sound correspondences with Spanish, English, and other Amerindian models; III: a few loans from Spanish and English; otherwise, devoted to non-phonological aspects of linguistic acculturation.) Dockstader, Frederick J. Spanish Loanwords in Hopi. A preliminary checklist, IJAL 21.157-159 (1955). (No correspond-

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