
Vehicles in VANET (Vehicular Ad hoc Network) communicates in each other to confirm or forward the traffic without using any centralized authority. The attacker vehicles take advantage of it and flood the network with huge number of false data packets to diminish the network’s finite bandwidth or purge the informations or traffic status packets. This research work proposes a security methodology for VANET communication against malicious actions or attacks using RSU (Road Side Unit). The proposed Dropping behaviour of Blackhole Attacker and Wormhole Attacker spot the malicious/attacker vehicles by their absurd intrusion in communication. The behaviour of both the malicious nodes are identical but their packet dropping technique is different. The RSU forwards the collected information to another nodes/RSU. The suggested Swarm based VANET security algorithm is implemented on RSUs to identify attacker vehicle’s activities. The RSU after identification of the same block their communication. The primary intent of this work is to provide enhanced security for communication against attacker/malicious vehicles, to provide new models to act as a base for their work related to solid realistic models against both attacks. This research proposes a scheme in which vehicles receives data when they starts moving and comes inside of a RSU reachability and data sharing takes place once the vehicle is out of the RSU reachability. One of the elemental concern of suggested security scheme is to determine how vehicles effectively operates in attacker’s presence. The related simulation outcome confirm that the suggested scheme reduces the dropping packet number to zero in presence of attacker node i.e. the indication of secure communication.

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