
The centralization and virtualization of baseband unit (BBU) in cloud radio access network (C-RAN) make the BS platform more scalable and flexible. The C-RAN is a next-generation collaborative RAN architecture develop using cloud computing and virtualization technology. C-RAN provide different radio services over a single platform. In comparison to the traditional BS, the architect of C-RAN has two distinct parts, i.e., a centralized Control Unit (CU) and a distributed unit (DU) known as Remote Radio Head (RRH). The RRH handles the end-user whereas the BBU unit performs the signal processing and controlling activity. The virtualized BBU consist of a set of virtual box (VB) managed by a virtual baseband manger (VBM) or hypervisor. As all the VB growth over a single virtualized BS platform, there is a chance of violation security principle such as data integrity, confidentiality and availability at the BBU. In this paper, we have proposed an authentication protocol to secure and independent operation of VB in a BBU-pool. The proposed protocol use Steiner Triple System (STS) and combinatorial design methods for crucial pre-shared distribution. The proposed protocol simulated with Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AVISPA) tool. The resiliency of V-BBU is analyzed with the help of STS and simulated with the python programming. The simulation result shows that the resiliency of the system is directly proportional to the number of compromised VB, and the use of proposed key-distribution technique improved the resiliency factor even if the increase in the number of compromised VB.

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