
Balancing efficiency, privacy, and security along with strong authentication in the End-to-End (E2E) communication is a burning issue in personal messaging. Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) algorithm is an omnipresent cryptographic approach, so here we have implemented a Secure Hybrid RSA (SHRSA)-based lightweight and efficient personal messaging communication protocol for E2E secure, authenticated, and efficient messaging. The SHRSA decryption is much more secure and efficient than RSA and Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)-RSA. It is protecting the messaging scheme users with a perfect privacy. The SHRSA cipher’s communication protocol is resolving many RSA-related issues. Full mesh networked personal messaging communication protocol ensures E2E encryption for all peers. The testing results of the personal messaging communication protocol have proved that this protocol is an efficient and secure personal messaging communication protocol. Also, it occupies very less memory and very less CPU than RSA and CRT-RSA. So high security, decryption efficiency with less memory and less CPU occupancy features make this secure message communication protocol much relevant to the era of Internet of Everything (IoE). Also, it is relevant to other secure and authentic message communications.

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