
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-configurable network connected by wireless links. This type of network is only suitable for provisional communication links as it is infrastructure-less and there is no centralized control. Providing QoS and security aware routing is a challenging task in this type of network due to dynamic topology and limited resources. The main purpose of secure and trust based on-demand multipath routing is to find trust based secure route from source to destination which will satisfy two or more end to end QoS constraints. In this paper, the standard ad hoc on-demand multi-path distance vector protocol is extended as the base routing protocol to evaluate this model. The proposed mesh based multipath routing scheme to discover all possible secure paths using secure adjacent position trust verification protocol and better link optimal path find by the Dolphin Echolocation Algorithm for efficient communication in MANET. The performance analysis and numerical results show that our proposed routing protocol produces better packet delivery ratio, reduced packet delay, reduced overheads and provide security against vulnerabilities and attacks.

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